In Baseball heaven

The Classic wrangler

BWCAW camp site with Garrett

The bow of the bell northwind

el loro in colombia

rocky mountain beautiful

st. kitts & nevis, west indies

Born on a farm in rural Medina County, Ohio, Nathan Frambach presently lives in Dubuque, Iowa, with his wife, Diane, and their two boys, Garrett Andrew and Andres Thomas. Nate is a pastor presently called to teach at Wartburg Theological Seminary in the area of Pastoral Theology and Youth, Culture & Mission. Nate recently returned from sabbatical in 2014, having served as pastor pro tem with the people of God at New Hope Lutheran Church in Farley, Iowa He also taught pretty much every Thursday with Heart. Soul. Mind. at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Davenport
Diane works as a guidance counselor at Hempstead High School in Dubuque. She is responsible for their family’s strong allegiance to the St. Louis Cardinals, and keeps the homestead running smoothly and in tip-top shape. Garrett is beginning his third year at the University of Iowa, studying journalism and communication arts, just turned 20 years old (yikes!), still loves music, concerts, baseball, skateboarding and snowboarding. Andres is beginning his junior year at Stephen F. Hempstead high school, runs cross country and track, plays basketball, and generally likes cars and driving. If you are interested in their adoption journey to Colombia in the summer of 2005 visit and enter Wartburg. Nate collects pint glasses, has a prized collection of letters from Frederick Buechner, frequents Jumpers & Moondog Music, runs a lot on the Heritage Trail, listens to a lot Mumford & Sons, and makes a few trips each year with his family to see the St. Louis Cardinals play baseball.
A pastor by public vocation, Nate served three congregations previously--two in Illinois and one in Minnesota. He also served as Associate Director of the Youth Ministries/Gathering team for the ELCA and, prior to that, as an Instructor on the faculty of Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota for two years while he finished a Ph.D. in Practical Theology (congregational studies and leadership).
Along with worshipping, learning and teaching with the Wartburg community, Nate shares the values and friendship of emergent ( and is fascinated with what the folks at Mockingbird have going on. And he still enjoys learning about and exploring the emerging ecclesial landscape with friends near and far, both real and imagined.
Nate's philosophy of life is really quite simple: to work as little as possible, make as much money as he needs, doing what he loves to do. In his spare time, Nate runs (not to get anywhere, mind you, just to sweat), wonders why he never does any work on the huge work bench in his garage (although it is an excellent place for stacking stuff) and always wishes he were canoe camping in the Boundary Waters (unless it's the middle of winter, when he doesn't wish that so much). He loves good beer.
Mostly, however, Nate loves being Diane’s husband and father to two great boys. He and Diane don't need much for entertainment. They like to sit and talk, remembering their own things past and leaning into the future together. And as for the two boys, well, they’re charting their own course now, and pretty soon we’ll just be along for the ride.