Here's what I’m reading (or at least is on the stack)...

East of Eden (Penguin Twentieth Century Classics)
John Steinbeck

A Small Porch: Sabbath Poems 2014
Wendell Berry

Grounded: Finding God in the World-A Spiritual Revolution
Diana Butler Bass
I teach at Wartburg Theological Seminary as Professor of Pastoral Theology. The courses I am currently teaching during the Fall semester at Wartburg Seminary are listed on my travel schedule here. Here is the sample of the syllabus from a course I often teach:
IN 309W Leaders in Mission: Evangelical Public Leadership
My Twitterography: Why Wartburg Seminary should NOT be the best kept secret in theological education.
1. At Wartburg Seminary we form leaders in community who think theologically, see God's world missionally and act a way of life.
2. Life in community at Wartburg Seminary integrates the theology of Bonhoeffer's Life Together with the sensibilities of the new monasticism.
3. At Wartburg Seminary we teach students to listen carefully to texts. Leaders who don't listen well to texts tend not to listen well to people either.
4. A seminary community is where the future of the church is embodied. To that end I am invested in life together at Wartburg Theological Seminary, a seminary whose vocation is communitarian theological education.
5. As a bonus you also get the following at the castle in Dubuque: annual grape stompin' for people of all ages, weekly beer & theology at the Europa Haus, daily table tennis featuring the likes of Winston Persaud, Sam Giere & Duane Priebe and the Runnin' Reformers hoops team.